Ground Based Robotics Competition Kit

    Ground Based Robotics Competition Kit

    The official kit for the MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics Competition

    • 4X4 Robot 3-in-1 Kit with Electronics (1) CKE-TR04-001
    • Hitec HS-485HB Servo (3) ESV-GS-485HB
    • Servo Linkage Kit (3) ADM-SL01-001
    • 250 Piece Basic Construction Set (1) CKN-BC01-250
    • Rotating Connector Set (1) CKN-RC01-200
    • Screw Adapter Kit (1) CKN-SA01-100
    • 7.2 Volt Rechargeable NiMH Battery (1) EBT-NIMH-300
    • 1/16" Hex Driver (1) ATL-MI16-001
    • 3/32" Hex Driver (1) ATL-MI32-001
    • 6 Channel Transmitter for 4x4 and 6x6 Kits ((1) ETX-SP06-001
    • 3:1 Gear Reduction Unit (1) AGR-GRU3-001
    • Servo Plate (3) ESV-SPSM-001

    Open Source

    Cross compatibility allows you to continuously add to and improve the MINDS-i experience


    Curriculums that teach real world relevant skills


    The MINDS-i system is built rugged enough to take your classroom experience into the outdoors