About Us
Inspired and founded by Mike and Christy Marzetta, MINDS-i holds the vision that robotics can and should do more, stimulating minds both young and old. MINDS-i is rocking the robotics world through a high-technology platform that is simple to use, extraordinarily durable, infinitely modifiable and relevant for the 21st century.
"I've always had a passion for tinkering, inventing and gaming. The leading systems just couldn't hold my interest with their limited compatibility, durability, and power. So we invented an entirely new robotics system that is tough enough to give anyone the freedom to build anything and do anything they desire in any setting. And we designed the system to be the toughest out there to make current limitations a thing of the past."--Mike Marzetta, MINDS-i Inventor

Michael Marzetta - President, Cofounder
Email: info@mymindsi.com
Office: (509) 252-5767

Christy Marzetta -Cofounder
Email: christym@mymindsi.com
Office: (509) 252-5767

Terry Graham -Vice President
Email: terryg@mymindsi.com
Phone: (509) 252-5767

Levi Wilson -General Manager
Email: leviw@mymindsi.com
Phone: (509) 252-5767
Contact Us:
Email: info@mymindsi.com
Phone: (509) 252-5767
Fax: (509) 924-2219
22819 E. Appleway Ave.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Together, we invite you explore the farther reaches of your creativity and imagination, because that's why we created the MINDS-i system!